Consider the Lilies Service You’re In Pain, You Need Help, Dr Brian Blick IsA Pain Specialist Who Can Help

You’re In Pain, You Need Help, Dr Brian Blick IsA Pain Specialist Who Can Help

You’re In Pain, You Need Help, Dr Brian Blick IsA Pain Specialist Who Can Help post thumbnail image

If you live with chronic pain, there’s a good chance that you’ve been to the Dr Brian Blick office many times over the years. If this is the case for you—and are still having difficulty managing your pain—you may have considered visiting a specialist. But what exactly is a pain specialist, and why should they be considered when treating chronic pain?

New Therapeutic Options For Pain

The pain specialist is your first stop in getting the best possible treatment for your chronic pain. A pain specialist will be able to offer new therapeutic options for you, as well as more traditional ones that have been around for years.

• Medications – Many people with chronic pain take medications on a regular basis, but there are some newer medications available that may help manage their symptoms better than older ones did. For example, low dose naltrexone (LDN) has been shown to help reduce inflammation in the body and fight off autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines in our bodies while increasing anti-inflammatory cytokines like interleukin-10 (IL-10).

Coordination Of Care

Coordination of care is important. You see, some pain specialists are also primary care physicians and can coordinate your medical care with other specialists. For example, if you need surgery for a hip replacement or knee repair, your pain management specialist can help coordinate this process with your orthopedic surgeon.

If you’re taking medication for pain management, they may be able to help manage it as well by making sure that the right dose is prescribed and given at the right time intervals to prevent side effects such as nausea or dizziness.

If you’re suffering from back pain, headaches or any other type of chronic condition that causes discomfort and limits your ability to function normally then Dr Brian Blick can help!

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